"close your eyes and see"

"close your eyes and see"

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 GestAlT (Gestural Alternative Traces)

Es liegt so viel in der Bedeutung des Begriffs "gestalt", der vom Gründer der sogenannten Psychotherapie, Fritz Perls, aufgegriffen wurde.

Der Begriff geht zurück auf die "Gestaltpsychologie", die im frühen 20. Jahrhundert begründet wurde.

Eine zentrale Aussage ist, dass das Ganze nicht nur mehr sondern auch etwas anderes als die Summe seiner Teile ist.

"Gestural Alternative Traces" heißt so viel wie "gestische alternative Zeichen"

No. 01 11 24, transference identity, mixed media on cardstock paper, 70x100cm, 11/2024

No. 01 10 24, hydra, mixed media on handmade paper, 60x80cm, 10/2024

No. 02 09 24, symbol, mixed media on canvas, 20x20cm, 09/2024

No. 01 09 24, paradoxical reflection, mixed media on handmade paper, 60x80cm, 09/2024

No. 03 07 24, finally unlimited limitations, mixed media on handmade paper, 60x80cm, 07/2024

No. 02 07 24, in search of the center of infinity, mixed media on handmade paper, 60x80cm, 07/2024

No. 02 06 2024, memorial to forgetfulness, mixed media on canvas, 80x120cm (3 pieces), 06/2024

No. 02 05 24
vanities, mixed media on paper, 140x120cm, 05/2024

No. 01 10 24

trinity, mixed media on paper, 80x120cm, 10/2024

No. 01 05 24 

harmed harmony, mixed media on canvas, 80x120cm, 05/2024

die schatten nehmen gestalt an 

No. 01 02 24 dunkelheit, No. 02.02 24 verzweiflung, No. 03 02 24 aufbruch

mixed media on canvas, 3 pieces á 80x120x5cm

from the series "brain research" (triptych)

No. 01 04 24 partial insights, No. 02 04 24 broken inside, No. 03 04 24 inner beauty, mixed media

3 pieces á 80x120x2,5cm

No. 01 12 23, das wesen der gestalt, mixed media on canvas, 180x180cm, 12/2023

No. 04 12 23, confluence 2, mixed media on handmade paper, 50x70cm, 12/2023

No. 02 12 23. egocentrism of loplop, mixed media on handmade paper, 50x70cm, 12/2023

No. 02 10 23, morphological, mixed media on stonepaper, 50x70cm, 10/2023

No. 01 10 23, confluence 1, mixed media on handmade paper, 60x80cm, 10/2023

No. 01 08 23, psychodrama, mixed media on handmade paper, 60x80cm, 08/2023

No. 03 07 23, existentialism, mixed media on handmade paper, 60x80cm, 07/2023

No. 02 07 23, somnambulism, mixed media on handmade paper, 60x80cm, 07/2023

No. 01 07 23, narcissism, mixed media on handmade paper, 60x80cm, 07/2023

No. 01 06 23, self-discovery, mixed media on handmade paper, 50x70cm, 06/2023

No. 03 05 23, increasing overstimulation, mixed media on black kraft paper, 70x100cm, 05/2023

No. 02 05 23, individuation, mixed media, on black kraft paper, 70x100cm, 05/2023


No. 05 04 23, the divided self, mixed media on canvas, 04/2023

No. 04 04 23, imagined realities, mixed media on stone paper, 40x60cm, 04/2023

No. 03 04 2023, dream remnants,  mixed media on stone paper, 40x60cm, 04/2023

No. 05 03 23, mnemic traces, mixed media on brown kraft paper, 70x100cm, 03/2023

No. 07 02 23 knots - patterns of human bondage, mixed media on handmade paper, 50x70cm, 03/2023

No. 01 03 23, games people play, mixed media on handmade paper, 50x70cm, 03/2023

No. 03 03 23, connections - fugitive and stable, mixed media on canvas, 50x70cm, 03/2023

No. 06 02 23, encapsulated memories, mixed media on hand made paper, 50x70cm, 02/2023

No. 04/05 05 23, excitement and anxiety, mixed media on canvas, 2 pieces 30x40, 02/2023

No. 01 02 23, id, ego and super-ego - psychoanalytic trinity, 50x70cm, 02/2023

No. 05 01 23, neuronal activity - the art of decision, mixed media on paper, 50x50cm, 01/2023

No. 04 01 23, altered level of consciousness, mixed media on brown kraft paper (400g/qm), 70x100cm, 01/2023 

No. 03 01 23, paradoxical intervention, mixed media on canvas, 50x60cm, 01/2023

No. 02 01 23, circles of awareness, mixed media on hand made paper, 60x80cm, 01/2023

No. 01 01 23, the course is set, mixed media on hand made paper, 60x80, 02/2023

No. 05 12 23, balanced attention, mixed media on hand made paper, 60x80cm, 12/2022

No. 16 11 22, inconvenient intervention, mixed media on paper, 140x120cm, 11/2022

No. 01 12 22, gaps in consciousness, mixed media on canvas, 60x90cm, 12/2022

No. 12 11 22, mental islands, mixed media on canvas, 40x40cm, 11/2022

No. 13 11 22, transcranial interaction, mixed media on canvas, 60x90cm, 11/2022

No. 02 10 22, mental overflow, mixed media on canvas, 60x90cm, 10/2022

No. 06 09 22, unpredictable movements, mixed media on canvas, 60x90cm, 09/2022

No. 05 10 22, imagination, mixed media on canvas, 60x90cm, 10/2022

No. 07 11 22, cerebral ignition, mixed media on canvas, 60x90cm, 11/2022

No. 06 10 22, beautiful thoughts, mixed media on canvas, 40x40cm, 10/2022

No. 01 10 22, below the surface, mixed media on canvas, 50x50cm, 10/2022

